Santa Maria Energy LLC


PetroleumOil Production

About Us

Santa Maria Energy, LLC, is an independent, private energy company committed to the responsible exploration and development of natural resources in Santa Barbara County, California. Headquartered in Santa Maria, California, all of our company's assets are located onshore in Santa Barbara County.

Originally, Santa Maria Energy concentrated upon a single resource: oil-bearing Diatomite. That focus existed because scientists have known for a hundred years that Diatomite can host very large amounts of oil. However, an economically and environmentally acceptable method of producing it had proven elusive until the mid 1990?s, when producing Diatomite by cyclic steaming began to prove commercial.

At that time, California's daily oil production was approximately 700,000 barrels and production from Diatomite contributed very few, if any, barrels to the total. In 2009, California's daily oil production was approximately 640,000 barrels and production from Diatomite contributed approximately 75,000 barrels. The potential exists for daily oil production from Diatomite to continue increasing in the coming years, perhaps dramatically.